Saturday, December 1, 2007

Trip to Canada Olimpic Park

This trip was very interesting because I didn’t have idea about the skis. When I went to Canada Olympic Park I was very amazed because this park is big. Then when I arrived to the place, the first thing I did was take photos of the place. Next, I went to inside the place for listen some recommendations about the skis. After, I had my mitts. Then I went for my sky boots, my skis, helmet and poles.


deyvid-s said...

Hi Oscar, it was a great time, I enjoyed a lot this trip and I know that you too, I hope see you in the next trip for ski

Hsiao-Yen said...

hey nice guys,
So nice the skis, but I didn't go. I am so sad, because I had another plan waiting for me. I think we are going to there again next semester. I knew you will come here again.
I am glad to meet you.