Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Stay in Calgary

When I went to Canada, I was afraid because to be sincerely, I didn’t know many words in english and I didn’t know as was the Canadian people, because I listen some english in the United States because is near to my country but many people speak spanish too…so I didn’t learn any english so for me I think that my stay in Calgary is good, the people here is more friendly than the people in the United States.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Hi was your weekend I hope that you enjoyed your weekend. This weekend Justo and I went to the Northland Mall to buy some gifts like some keychains for my family because I will come back to Mexico this Christmas. And the Sunday I went to Chinook Mall to see the stores, the sales and ate some food like fries, chicken and things like that...well, my ESL people I have some work see you and take care okay...see ya.

Hi!!! everybody

Hi people how are you....I hope that everybody are okay....well, today I will talk about the activity of the country dance this activity I think was very funny, but...I didn’t come to this activity because I had many work in my house like some activities for the classes in the ESL program and I didn’t have time. And the Sunday, I went to Market Mall to ate in the food court some chicken, okay people enjoy the winter.

What's up everybody????

Well, I will talk about the last friday, I went to Bowling, it was very funny, because every student was very happy. And I think that this kind of bowling are more difficult because the ball is smaller than the common ball. I was very happy too, because all the players in my group knew about the game and that easier because the game was faster...okey everbody ba bye and enjoy your ESL activies ba bye and see you later.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

What's up!!!

Hi!!! are you I hope that you are okay. I'm fine and happy because I think this thing the blogger is good to know some things about your ESL members and this is a good tool to practice your writing and too if you want to know about other ESL members you can add to your contacts and if you do this, you will can wrote in their bloggers a good comments, bye people enjoy Calgary.